Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holy Fast-charging batteries, Batman!

Holy Fast charging batteries, Batman!New innovations on battery technology may have batteries fully charged in just 15 minutes and it lasts an entire week on a single charge.

Dr Harold Kung and his team at Northwestern labs are experimenting on the new tech that
boosts charging rates of lithium ions  by using a chemical oxidation process which drills millions of holes – just 20-40 nanometers wide – in the atom-thick sheets of graphene which makes up a good portion of lithium-ion battery construction. Unfortunately, this prototype battery lifecycle begins to decline quickly after about 150 charges, which is estimated to last a full year before needing to be replaced.

Dr. Kung says the tech may be ready for market in 5 years. Let’s hope by then they’ll figure out how to increase the overall life of this new innovation.


View the original article here

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