Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nokia: Announcing MOD N900 Texas USA winner

Continue the rich history by encouraging innovation, Nokia is proud to announce the winning team SEND N900 MOD u.s. - BrettSarahTops - for their work, Nokia N900 in the car dashboard as this odometer, shooting competition speedometer and much more. Competition, which began in January, pushed for Nokia N900 hardware and software future; moreover Show Nokia N900 is the most powerful notebook, available now.

"Tourist could create from the Nokia N900 in a few weeks is a true testament to the human spirit of innovation", said Eddie Hold, Vice President, current analysis.It refreshing to see what people come from when they are provided with tools such as an open - platform such as the Nokia N900 manipulates."Nokia Kudos and participants for this consumer innovation culture."

Three finalists contest SEND N900 MOD States were at CTIA Wireless in Las Vegas, where they presented their ideas to a panel of judges.Each présenteur was given 15 minutes to discuss their inspiration and why they deserve the grand prize.After seeing very intense judges decided that dashboard Bike earned large, based on the inventiveness, feasibility, generate conversation and demonstrate the capabilities of Nokia N900.As grand prize winner receives a prize of US $ 10,000 BrettSarahTops.

"We are very pleased to present to win this contest! believe that a few weeks, it was we were there idea brainstorming to submit and now we are here in Las Vegas with that idea a reality is really amazing," said Brett Peterson, Member of BrettSarahTops. "" "".This is really cool that Nokia put together competition, which encourages us to develop something that would be great with arrows on their existing innovation.„

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