Sunday, March 28, 2010

AdMob Mobile metrics report-traffic by Smartphone platform features and phone manufacturer

A new report of Admob has been published.

In February 2010 leading smartphone operating systems were iPhone network AdMob, Android and Symbian OS. year last iPhone has increased its share of smartphones with 33% of the applications of 50%, then that share applications for Symbian, minus 43% to 18% (!). Android was one of the fastest OS growing in a year year AdMob. Android Smartphone application share has increased by 2% in February 2009 to 24% in February 2010.Top five Android devices worldwide, through the traffic are Droid from Motorola, the HTC Dream, HTC, HTC Magic and Motorola CLIQ hero.Samsung phones, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, LG were the best high producteurs.Téléphones of each producer were Samsung SCH R350 3110c, Nokia, Sony Ericsson W200, Motorola RAZR and the LG CU920.

AdMob serves ads from over 15,000 mobile Web sites and applications in the monde.AdMob stores, and analyzes data each request print announcement, and then click on and it is used to optimize ad adjustments in its réseau.ce report offers each month a snapshot of your data to better understand trends in the mobile ecosystem.

Read the full report here (PDF)

View the Original article

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