Saturday, October 8, 2011

Big Brother is Watching

Big Brother is WatchingThe FCC in the United States have issued a mandate that ALL cellphones in the U.S. to be GPS enabled by 2018.That means another drop in the bucket for loss freedom in the way of the anonymous movement. The authorities can track and locate your position anywhere, at any time. So, much for the misnomer call the Freedom Act.Currently, non-GPS phones have to be triangulated between local Cellular Towers, which is time consuming. Their reasoning behind the move is that in 911 emergencies, this can dangerously delay critical assistance. The Patriot Act made the Fourth Amendment pretty much Null and Void, so why not pin-point everyone who’s on the grid at any time.  For those all ready with smart-phones don’t worry, you are all ready being watched, just kidding. As for you outlaws out there, beware…

View the original article here

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