Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Samsung strengthens the rack, in the case against Apple, memoirs adopted "friend of the Court".

Samsungs stand strengthens in case against Apple, friend of the court briefs accepted

Accordance with article on Apple Insider, the reports of patent of free software that we judge short and a former municipality in the District of Northern California, judge Lucy Koh accepted two (friends of the Court) briefs with Verizon and T-Mobile Friday.

The concept has been accepted in full, into consideration regarding proposed temporary injunction of Apple to ban the sale of some phones Samsung Android of the us.

Apple has applied for a while communicate their responses to submissions by the two companies tried to convince the judge that the concept of projects will not be assigned to any hep in the process of decision of the Court. .

Samsung and Apple are required to submit their final deposits and expected that the decision to leave on October 13.


View the original article here

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